FLL World Class Project Crystal Lake/Cary Regional
Team #
Team Name
Round #
Directions: For each skill area, Clearly mark the box that best describes the team's accomplishments. If the team does not demonstrate skill in a particular area, then mark the first box for Not Demonstrated. Please provide as many written comments as you can to acknowledge each team's hard work and to help teams improve.


Question Identification* Clear definition of the question being studied
Sources of Information Types (e.g. books, magazines, websites, reports and other resources) and number of quality sources cited, including professionals in the field
Question Analysis Depth to which the question was studied and analyzed by the team
Review Existing Solutions Extent to which existing solutions were analyzed by the team, Including an effort to verify the originality of the team's solution

Innovative Solution

Team Solution* Clear explanation of proposed solution
Innovation Degree to which the team's solution makes life better by improving existing options, developing a new application of existing ideas, or solving the question in a completely new way
Implementation Consideration of factors for implementation (cost, ease of manufacturing, etc.)


Sharing* Degree to which the team shared their Project before tournament with others who might benefit from the team's efforts
Creativity Imagination used to develop and deliver the presentation
Presentation Effectiveness Message delivery and organization of the presentation

Score sheets may not be changed on a completed tournament.