Spring Showdown - Robotics Park
Team #
Round #
Referee Signature
Team Name
Team Signature

M0 - Equipment Inspection
Did the robot and all equipment fit completely in one Launch area and are under a height limit of 12 in. (305 mm) during the pre-match inspection?

M1 - Welcome to Robotics Park
Did the robot successfully follow the line?

Did the robot push the car into West Home?

M2 - Incubation Chamber
Is the baby dinosaur is completely in the chamber?

Is the Food Unit in the tray and completely under the chamber?

M3 - Digsite
How many fossils did the robot release from the tar pit?
M4 - Electric Fence
Was the Minifig launched from and no longer touching the orange hand?

M5 - Raptor Capture
Are all three raptors are released from the cage?

Is the Raptor Blue (blue unit) completely in a Home area?

M6 - Rescue the Paleontologist
Is the Paleontologist completely in the yellow truck?

Is the Yellow truck with minifig inside brought back to Home?

M7 - Signal for Help
Number of times the robot sent out an Emergency Signal?
Did the robot complete at least one other mission between each signal

M8 - Control Room
Is the monitor is laying flat?

M9 - Bronte
Is Bronte completely back in a Home area?

Has the battery has been completely removed from Bronte?

M10 - Feeding Time
Number of Food units completely in the storage area (without touching equipment)?
M11 - Water Transfer
Number of Water units at least partially in the red watershed?
M12 - Food Units
Number of Food units in a Home area?